College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

ABE Alum Spotlight: Austin Lamphier – finding a passion for leadership and technology, starting at ISU  

Austin Lamphier graduated from Iowa State University with a bachelor’s degree in industrial technology (ITec) in 2018. Originally from Center Point, Iowa, Lamphier had always connected with technology and engineering, which led him to apply to ISU.

Iowa State hosts first INSuRE cybersecurity workshop in the nation

Iowa State University recently hosted the first pilot program in the country that provided an intense research experience to cybersecurity students during a three-week workshop led by Assistant Professor Berk Gulmezoglu of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Josh Peschel receives NSF CAREER Award for Foundational Interaction Research Manipulating Drones

Throughout much of his career, Peschel has been doing the groundwork of defining questions and answers related to human-robot interaction with drones. This project is the culmination of knowledge and testing he has done so far, and it provides an opportunity to define and build implementable solutions for specific drone use cases in the future.

ABE Alum Spotlight: Sarah Sievertsen – writing for engineers, starting at ISU

Sarah Sievertsen graduated from Iowa State University in 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Systems Technology (AST). Originally from northwest Alabama, Sievertsen had a passion for manure management and air quality in high school. She now works for GEA North America as a technical writer.
