College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Davarnia receives NSF CAREER award, his second early career award in two years

Danial Davarnia, assistant professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering, has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award for research of efficient scalable methods for solving large-scale network optimization problems.

Robotics Club Participates in 13th Annual Autonomous Snowplow Competition

Early this year, members of the ISU Robotics Club placed 5th at the 13th Annual Autonomous Snowplow Competition ( held January 20-21, 2023 at Dunwoody College of Technology in Minneapolis, MN. The traveling team was comprised of seven students – four Software Engineering students, Darren Anderson (SE ’22 alum), Jaden Forde, Ryan Sand, and Sergio Perez Valentin; …Continue reading “Robotics Club Participates in 13th Annual Autonomous Snowplow Competition”

Software Engineering senior graduates with dual degree to pursue interest in bioinformatics

Graduating senior Morgan Smith took STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to a whole new level after she arrived at Iowa State University. This fall, Smith, who is from Nevada, Iowa will graduate with two STEM degrees – Software Engineering (SE) from the College of Engineering and Microbiology (MICR) from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

When Life Changes Things Up: SE Senior Student Athletes Take Advantage of New Opportunities

Two Software Engineering Program graduating senior student athletes are taking a new direction with their post-graduation plans. When the Covid-19 cancellations ended their respective spring sport seasons, the NCAA announced on March 30th that Division I schools would be allowed to offer their athletes an extra year of eligibility. Both Software Engineering (SE) student athletes …Continue reading “When Life Changes Things Up: SE Senior Student Athletes Take Advantage of New Opportunities”
