Aerospace engineering group takes first place in national student paper competition
Author: John Burnett-Larkins
Author: John Burnett-Larkins
A group of Department of Aerospace Engineering graduate researchers and others with ties to the department has been awarded first place in an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) paper competition.
“An Experimental Study on the Detrimental Effects of Rainfall on Wind Turbine Blades,” was named the winner in the 2024 AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Technical Committee Student Paper Competition. The group was honored at the AIAA Aviation Forum held in Las Vegas.
The paper’s first author is Harsha Sista, a department graduate student studying under Anson Marston Distinguished Professor and Martin C. Jischke Professor Hui Hu. The group also includes AerE graduate student Anvesh Dhulipalla, AerE postdoctoral researcher Amrit Kumar (both part of Hui Hu’s research group) and Haiyang Hu, a former AerE graduate student and postdoctoral researcher, who is now an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Alabama in Huntsville. Hui Hu is the corresponding author.
The paper investigates the performance degradation of wind turbines due to rainfall on turbine blades using various qualitative and quantitative measurement techniques.