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Nigel Reuel receives American Chemical Society BIOT Young Investigator Award

Author: John Burnett-Larkins

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Nigel Reuel
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Iowa State University associate professor of chemical and biological engineering Nigel Reuel has received the 2024 American Chemical Society BIOT Young Investigator Award.

Reuel was selected in honor of his contributions to rapid prototyping of proteins and improved manufacturing of therapeutic cells.

Sponsored by Genetech, the Division of Biotechnical Technology (BIOT) of the American Chemical Society presents this prestigious award annually in recognition of an outstanding young contributor to the field of biochemical technology who is an active participant in the division’s programs. It is open to all early career researchers, including those from academic, industrial, governmental, and non-profit institutions or organizations.

Reuel is the Stanley Chair in Interdisciplinary Engineering in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Visit Reuel’s research group website.

See more information on the award and a list of past recipients.