CyMath offers volunteers opportunities to give back
Author: Zach Clemens
Author: Zach Clemens
Namrata Vaswani, professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has created a free mathematics tutoring program run by volunteers called CyMath.
CyMath provides weekly support during the school year to elementary school students and is designed to meet the mathematics education needs of underserved students.
This means personalized help to each student through small group tutoring. All the tutors are graduate students, postdocs and faculty from mathematics, statistics, computer science and ECpE who volunteer their time to help students.
“We aim to get students excited about mathematics and proficient with the curriculum to ensure they are prepared to pursue and thrive in math-intensive majors and degrees in college,” Vaswani said.
Do you want to learn more about the program? Interested in volunteering? Check out all that info here.