This year’s group of BioMaP students have launched their summer of scientific research with the guidance of CBE faculty and graduate students.
Twenty-one undergraduate students from Iowa State and around the nation are ready for a summer of hands-on research in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) with the Biological Materials and Processes Research Experiences for Undergraduates (BioMaP REU) program.
BioMaP students listen to a presentation during program orientation.
BioMaP is funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) REU site award to CBE faculty members Monica Lamm and Ian Schneider, NSF REU supplement awards to Eric Cochran and Jean-Philippe Tessonnier, and a NIH REU supplement award to Schneider.
BioMaP provides mentored research experiences for undergraduate students who are pursuing bachelor’s degrees in chemical engineering or a related curriculum. Each student is paired with a CBE faculty member to work on a research project. Iowa State chemical engineering graduate student Carly Dolgos (a BioMaP REU program alumna) serves as the program’s graduate student mentor.
This year’s students, the institutions they attend, their research project, and ISU faculty mentor, include:
Olivia Appel, Barnard College, Therapeutic Hybrid Nanocarriers for Drug Delivery Across the Blood Brain Barrier, Rizia Bardhan
Jack Bonde, Iowa State University, Lignin‐Based Engineering Thermoplastics, Zengyi Shao
Tristan Boyer, Brandeis University, Three‐Dimensional Whole‐Tissue Fluorescence Imaging, Jing Wang
Savanna Busch, Southwest Minnesota State University, Cell Migration Control Through Modulation of Multiple Directional Cues, Ian Schneider
Elijah Erickson, Iowa State University, Carbon Nanotubes Complex Fluids, Eric Cochran
Laila Fortson, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Immunomodulatory Nanovaccines Against Infectious Diseases, Balaji Narasimhan
Ashley Heimann, University of Kansas, Toward Real‐Time Control of Cell Differentiation Using Reinforcement Learning, Nigel Reuel
Henry Ho, Lone Star College – Houston Community College, Lignin‐Based Engineering Thermoplastics, Eric Cochran
Jared Kaczor, Iowa State University, Compostable Core Shell Impact Modifiers, Eric Cochran
Aayush Lamsal, University of Iowa, Probiotic Engineering, Thomas Mansell
Matt Laws, Iowa State University, Compostable Core Shell Impact Modifiers, Eric Cochran
Mia Lopez, Wartburg College, Drug and Gene Delivery, Surya Mallapragada
Anna McCaslin, Iowa State University, Next Generation Polytriglycerides, Eric Cochran
Brooklyn Mills, Grand View University, AI‐driven Design of Alpha Helical Proteins, Ratul Chowdhury
Huy Nguyen, Iowa State University, Electrosynthesis of Biobased Adipic Acid, Jean-Philippe Tessonnier
Jefferson Roberts-Dobie, Iowa State University, Polymers for Sustainable Pavements, Eric Cochran
Brizeyda Rojas Tapia, Community College of Denver, Biobased Powder Coatings, Eric Cochran
Elizabeth Teresa-Apolonio, Manhattan College, Interfacing Biocatalysis and Electrocatalysis for Modular Electrochemical Manufacturing, Jean-Philippe Tessonnier
Kyle Tsujimoto, Iowa State University, Powder Based Coatings, Eric Cochran
Jaylie Van’t Hul, Des Moines Area Community College, Actuatable DNA Origami Structures for Drug Release, Ian Schneider
Charles Yung, Grinnell College, DNA‐directed Patterning to Study Tumor Microenvironments, Molly Kozminsky
Participants also interact with other department graduate students (in connection with their research work), and post-doctoral researchers, and participate in seminars, meetings, professional development workshops and social events. The program will conclude with each participant presenting a research poster summarizing their summer project that will be part of a campus-wide poster session in early August.