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Beloved industrial engineering emeritus professor announces free follow-up to award-winning statistics textbook

Author: Erin Mack

Steve Vardeman, longtime professor in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, is the co-author of a newly available open-source book, Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis by Vardeman and Jobe. The text was originally published by Duxbury/Thompson Learning/Cengage and is essentially a second edition of the book, Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving by Vardeman, that won the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Meriam/Wiley Distinguished Author award in 1994.

Written for “minimum probability engineering statistics” audiences, like STAT 305, the book stresses the practical over the theoretical. With real engineering data, step-by-step scenarios, and chapter-long case studies, the statistical concepts are explained in realistic, thoroughly detailed situations. This approach encourages students to work through the statistics by collecting and analyzing data–from problem formulation to preparing the technical reports–just as they would on the job.

“Professor Jobe and I offer this book with the hope that it proves useful to many instructors and engineering students for years to come,” Vardeman says. He retired from teaching in 2021 after nearly 40 years in the IMSE department.

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