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Meet the new MSE faculty: Lin Zhou

Author: Zach Clemens

Starting in the fall, Lin Zhou will be a new professor for Materials Science and Engineering. Lin brings years of experience and research to the MSE department. The following Q and A is a chance to get to know Zhou.

Background and history

“I am originally from Hunan Province, China. I received my undergraduate degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Central South University in 2001 and my Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Arizona State University in 2006. I then worked in the Physics Department as an assistant research scientist until I joined Ames National Lab as a staff scientist in 2012.”

Choosing Iowa State

“I decided to pursue a position at Iowa State because of the reputation and the collegial faculties in the MSE department.”

Research specialties

“My research focuses on developing and applying advanced electron microscopy techniques to study the material structure-property relationship and discover the mechanisms and dynamics of phase transitions down to the atomic scale. The systems that I have a particular interest in are magnetic materials, superconducting quantum bits, ferroelectric oxides, and compound semiconductors.”

Looking ahead

“I am looking forward to having more opportunities to work with students, faculties, and staff from ISU.”

What students can expect

“A supervisor, mentor, and friend who encourages students to enjoy and challenge themselves in material science research/study.”