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New AerE faculty member Sidharth GS brings strong computational fluids background

Author: John Burnett-Larkins

Sidharth GS
Assistant Professor Sidharth GS

The Department of Aerospace Engineering (AerE) welcomes new faculty member Sidharth GS, who has joined the department as an assistant professor officially starting fall semester 2022.

Sidharth will come to Iowa State after serving as a postdoctoral researcher at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he worked on modeling mix and burn in multimaterial turbulence and separately on feature based dynamic reconstructions.

He received his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota, specializing in computations of hypersonic flows and modeling variable-density subgrid effects relevant to supersonic combustion. He holds an M.S. from Minnesota and a Bachelor of Technology degree from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

With a background in applied mathematics and scientific computing, he brings broad expertise in modeling and simulation for multiphysics flows with shock and reaction waves, multispecies transitional and turbulent transport. Sidharth’s research also focuses on high performance computing, numerical methods for computational physics, scientific machine learning and optimization.