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Four ABE ITEC Students Receive Safety Scholarship

Author: Sarah Hays

Scholarship awardee Liam Gleason
Scholarship awardee Liam Gleason
Scholarship awardee Daniel Nelson
Scholarship awardee Daniel Nelson

Industrial Technology (ITEC) students Liam Gleason, Mallory Leazer, Daniel Nelson and Abby Espinosa-Gonzales were all scholarship awardees. Up to $7,500 in scholarships were awarded to ‘exceptional college students in the state of Iowa.’ Students that receive this scholarship are invited to the conference, and can use the award to accelerate their education through more financial support.

“When I first found out I had received it, I was shocked,” Gleason said. “I excitedly called my parents shortly after receiving the news! This scholarship acknowledged my hard work towards becoming a safety professional.”

The Governor’s Safety and Health Conference has been awarding students scholarships for 50 years, since 1977. Every year, students apply for this scholarship, but only a select few receive it. At the conference, students have the opportunity to network with leaders in the safety industry.

“The opportunity to receive the award, along with the invitation to attend the conference, was incredibly valuable,” Nelson said. “I greatly enjoyed meeting and learning from the dedicated safety professionals and leaders of the state of Iowa. Attending the conference allowed me to learn great information through the knowledge and experiences from the many professionals who attended and spoke. I found this to be the most valuable part of receiving the scholarship!” 

This conference takes place every fall to recognize students and ‘support the next generation of health and safety professionals.’