Alex Kauffmann and James Trettin are co-recipients of the Lawrence E. Burkhart Memrorial Award for the spring 2021 commencement. The honor is bestowed upon graduating seniors, who are named Outstanding Senior Student in Chemical Engineering, with emphasis on scholastic performance. Recipients are selected by department faculty. Burkhart, the award’s namesake, was a member of the …Continue reading “Two honored with CBE’s Burkhart senior award”
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) Mary Jane Skogen Hagenson and Randy L. Hagenson Professor Eric Cochran is part of a team that has been honored by the American Chemical Society (ACS) at its Spring Meeting. Cochran, along with Gerald and Audrey Olson Professor R. Christopher Williams of the Department of Civil, Construction and …Continue reading “Cochran biobased paving research team receives national honor”
The Department of Aerospace Engineering (AerE) and Iowa State University College of Engineering are mourning the death of Professor R. Ganesh Rajagopalan, who passed away March 19. A highly regarded researcher, he was responsible for unique contributions to rotorcraft, wind energy systems, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). He and his students have made significant and …Continue reading “Aerospace Engineering faculty member R. Ganesh Rajagopalan passes away”
Cyclone Engineer Benazir Fateh (PhD ’13 Computer Engr) works on the cutting edge of technology – as a machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) specialist at Google with some of Google’s Cloud’s biggest customers namely Twitter, Uber, Apple and PayPal.
Thanh Phan, a fifth-year Ph.D. aerospace engineering student at Iowa State, has been named a Brown Graduate Fellowship recipient for 2021-22. Fourteen fellowships are awarded to Iowa State students each year. Phan is one of three recipients in the College of Engineering. He was selected for the honor after two of his recent research articles …Continue reading “AerE graduate student Thanh Phan receives Brown Fellowship”