A team of Iowa State University College of Engineering researchers recently experienced something that few ever will: a zero-gravity environment.
A team of Iowa State University College of Engineering researchers recently experienced something that few ever will: a zero-gravity environment.
A team of engineering researchers at Iowa State University is studying the most effective ways for manufacturing materials in outer space, with the hope that astronauts can use these methods while on space missions.
A mechanical engineering professor will establish a new research program to study ways for manufacturing polymer-based structures in space for space applications with the help of a new grant from the Iowa Space Grant Consortium. Reza Montazami, associate professor in mechanical engineering (ME), received funding from the Iowa Space Grant Consortium for a project titled …Continue reading “New project will explore manufacturing in space”
Iowa State University’s Micro-g Neutral Buoyancy Experiment Design Team (Micro-g NExT) has been selected to advance to Phase II of the NASA design competition. Micro-g NExT challenges undergraduate students to design, build and test a tool or device that addresses a real-life space exploration challenge. Iowa State’s team has been selected to conduct test operations in the simulated microgravity environment at the NASA Johnson Space Center Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory.
Mechanical engineering graduate student Joel Lynch recently received a $2500 grant from the Iowa Space Grant Consortium to study the coupling of microwave fields with solid rocket propellant combustion. His current project is entitled “Modeling of Flames Seeded with Alkali Compounds under the Presence of Alternating Electric Fields.” The research is taking place within the …Continue reading “ME grad student gets funding to study microwave interaction with energetic material flames”
Mechanical engineering graduate student Julie Bothell recently received $2500 from the Iowa Space Grant Consortium for her research related to multiphase X-ray radiography. Her current project is entitled “X-Ray Imaging of the Spray from a Coaxial Air Blast Atomizer” and is a collaborative effort between Iowa State and four other universities: Cornell University, University of …Continue reading “ME grad student receives funding for multiphase X-ray radiography research”
ME assistant professor Jaime Juárez recently received funding from the Iowa Space Grant Consortium’s Early Career Investigator Research Program to study materials than can effectively be manufactured on a 3D printer in outer space. Juárez’s research project – Acoustically-Mediated Multi-Material 3D Printing for Polymer-Microparticle Composites – aims to “develop an acoustic-based 3D printing platform as …Continue reading “ME researcher to study best materials for 3D printing in space”
Stuart Barkley, a PhD student in mechanical engineering, was recently named a fellow for the Iowa Space Grant Consortium. Barkley’s research project is titled “Microwave Plasma Control of Composite Solid Propellant” and aims “to develop an entirely new approach for throttling and extinguishment control of solid propellant flame though microwave plasma enhancement.” Rachel Pick, an undergraduate aerospace …Continue reading “ME grad student named Iowa Space Grant Consortium fellow, AerE undergrad awarded scholarship”
This summer, the NASA sponsored Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) returned to Iowa State. The ISGC, which is part of NASA’s National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, was founded in 1990, establishing its first headquarters at Iowa State University. Iowa State, along with Drake University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Northern …Continue reading “NASA Iowa Space Grant returns to Iowa State”
The NASA Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) selected a proposal by Hui Hu, professor of aerospace engineering, that would build a stronger relationship between NASA and Iowa State University. Hu wrote a proposal seeking “support to establish a research and education integrated program to facilitate the long-term research and education collaboration” between Iowa State and …Continue reading “Aerospace professor Hui Hu awarded new base program for Iowa Space Grant Consortium”
Six students from the College of Engineering were awarded NASA scholarships for the fall 2013 and spring 2014 semesters. The funding comes through the Iowa Space Grant Consortium program. Recipients are Dalton Groath, sophomore in aerospace engineering; Jacob Harry, senior in aerospace engineering; Christian Setzer, senior in aerospace engineering and physics; Elmer Tse, junior in …Continue reading “Six NASA scholarships awarded to undergraduate students”
Christopher Reis, senior in electrical engineering, and a team of undergraduate and graduate students from across the engineering college recently won a $4,000 grant from NASA to build a nanosatellite, or a satellite with a 1kg maximum mass, called CySat. The satellite will meet CubeSat qualifications, which were conceived as an economic alternative for universities …Continue reading “Engineering students awarded NASA grant for satellite proposal”
Move over, Bruce Willis: Bong Wie and colleagues are building tools to protect the planet from rogue asteroids