A team of engineering researchers at Iowa State University is studying the most effective ways for manufacturing materials in outer space, with the hope that astronauts can use these methods while on space missions.
A team of engineering researchers at Iowa State University is studying the most effective ways for manufacturing materials in outer space, with the hope that astronauts can use these methods while on space missions.
For Jonghyun Lee, it was the potential for research collaboration that attracted him to Ames. “I don’t think I could find a better place for success in my career and that’s why I chose Iowa State,” he said. Lee was recently hired as an assistant professor of mechanical engineering. He hopes to not only collaborate …Continue reading “ME’s Lee sees potential for research collaboration at Iowa State”
Last year, Iowa State’s Virtual Reality Applications Center launched a virtual simulation of the International Space Station (ISS) and its use in testing how humans make decisions in stressful situations. The research team has since developed an exterior ISS simulator used to explore activities done outside a spacecraft, such as spacewalks, and recently released a …Continue reading “Guest post: A voyage to space and beyond”
Retired astronaut Clayton Anderson is the only professor in the state who has been 220 miles above the classroom that he now teaches in, and it all started with a master’s in aerospace engineering degree at Iowa State University. Those who doubted Anderson would make it to the stars can only dream of seeing the world …Continue reading “LAUNCH PAD: Astronaut Mentors ISU Students”
Bob Lipert held up a syringe, attached a plastic cartridge and demonstrated how chemistry developed at Iowa State University is helping astronauts and cosmonauts make sure they have safe drinking water at the International Space Station. Each cartridge contains a thin, one-centimeter disk that’s loaded with chemistry, said Lipert, an associate scientist with Iowa State’s …Continue reading “Iowa State chemists help astronauts make sure their drinking water is clean”
Stephen Koenigsfeld, stephen.koenigsfeld@iowastatedaily.comTownNews.com “And so for the final time, Fergie, Doug, Sandy and Rex, good luck, Godspeed, and have a little fun up there.” These were the sure-to-be-quoted last words of Shuttle Launch Director Mike Leinbach before space shuttle Atlantis launched into orbit. Atlantis, of NASA’s space shuttle program STS-135, began its final flight to …Continue reading “Iowa State faculty treasure connections with NASA, comment on Friday’s space launch”
“And so for the final time, Fergie, Doug, Sandy and Rex, good luck, Godspeed, and have a little fun up there.” These were the sure-to-be-quoted last words of Shuttle Launch Director Mike Leinbach before space shuttle Atlantis launched into orbit. Atlantis, of NASA’s space shuttle program STS-135, began its final flight to the International Space …Continue reading “Iowa State faculty treasure connections with NASA, comment on Friday’s space launch”
Clay Anderson, who got his MS in aerospace engineering in 1983 at Iowa State, is preparing for another trip to the International Space Station in April. Read the Radio Iowa story.
Ames, Iowa—When Space Shuttle Discovery headed toward the International Space Station last month, Iowa State University’s Rohit Trivedi took more than a casual interest. An experiment he designed more than 10 years ago to study crystal growth patterns in a microgravity environment was finally headed to its destined location onboard the International Space Station. Trivedi, …Continue reading “Space station hosts Iowa State experiment”