As the damaging effects of climate change become more apparent, researchers are studying ways to generate energy with minimal impact on the environment. Computer simulations could be the key to making this process more efficient. Shankar Subramaniam, a professor of mechanical engineering at Iowa State University (ISU), is the principal investigator (PI) on a project …Continue reading “Using computer simulations to improve clean energy generation”
Work station ergonomics is key to supporting your health, comfort and productivity whether you’re working in your campus office…or your kitchen table. Cody Volkmann, occupational safety specialist, and Paul Hokanson, industrial hygienist, with Iowa State Environmental Health and Safety offer easy-to-implement ergonomic principles to practice in your remote workspace.
Maurice Washington spends his days analyzing the environmental impact of legal marijuana cultivation in the largest cannabis-producing region in the U.S. He recently talked with us about the new challenges, how they’re really old challenges, and how they allow better control of California’s watershed.
A new film about seeds that takes viewers across the globe and onto Iowa farms will make its debut this weekend. The film, helmed by the director of the ISU Seed Science Center, is meant for a wide audience and captures the science and beauty of seeds.
A dying cell phone or laptop battery can be a source of anxiety for an already busy college student, but a project by a mechanical engineering senior aims to alleviate that. Courtney Beringer, a senior in ME with a minor in energy systems, has spent the past three years working with Eulanda Sanders, Donna R. …Continue reading “ME student designs solar-powered backpack”
This research feature is a part of a series highlighting the work of ISU CCEE faculty. For more information, visit our website, Also, follow ISU CCEE on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and LinkedIn (search “Iowa State University Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering” and “ISUConE”). Text-only version available.
This research feature is a part of a series highlighting the work of ISU CCEE faculty. For more information, visit our website, Also, follow ISU CCEE on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and LinkedIn (search “Iowa State University Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering” and “ISUConE”). Text-only version available.
Original article by Paula Van Brocklin, Office of the Vice President for Research Two interdisciplinary research teams have been selected to receive funding from Iowa State University’s inaugural Bridging the Divide internal funding opportunity, an experimental seed program to holistically address complex societal challenges through new collaborations among university researchers in design, art and humanities, …Continue reading “ISU CCEE faculty member, team earns inaugural Bridging the Divide grant”
Sustainable LED lights increase reliability of tests while reducing energy consumption and creating safer work environment Picture this: you are in a research lab working on an experiment. The results are crucial to your work. You want be as precise as possible, right? Recent updates to three different research areas of Town Engineering Building will …Continue reading “Eco-friendly lighting improves research facilities at CCEE”
Casey Fangmann’s long-standing passion for environmental responsibility has guided him through much of his college career. That passion inspired him to develop a recycling program on campus and to major in industrial engineering with a focus on sustainability. It also helped him become a 2012 Udall Scholar. The Udall Scholar program, established by the U.S. …Continue reading “Industrial engineering student named 2012 Udall Scholar”