The researchers and partners will work together to develop a data-driven system that monitors the loads on distribution transformers and gives utilities real-time awareness of which boxes should be checked and potentially upgraded or replaced.
Electric Power Research Center
The researchers and partners will work together to develop a data-driven system that monitors the loads on distribution transformers and gives utilities real-time awareness of which boxes should be checked and potentially upgraded or replaced.
The Electric Power Research Center held their 61st Annual Meeting that focused on Grid Resource Adequacy and Resilience.
Iowa State University engineers lead a project to help the power industry defend itself that has been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy for a or a two-year, $2.5 million grant. Project partners will also contribute $1 million in cost-share funding, including equipment and labor costs.
The $11.9 million investment would provide Montezuma with a microgrid, a small-scale electricity network that can operate as an independent system or can be connected to the larger grid.
The Electric Power Research Center began in 1963 as the Power Affiliates Program. Its mission was to “advance research and graduate education in electric power systems and strengthen industry ties.”
A new Iowa State University research project will explore how to grow crops and keep bees amid solar panels. Funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy, most of the research will be conducted a few miles south of Ames, where Alliant Energy plans to begin construction in April on a 1.35 megawatt solar farm.
Cyclone Engineering’s Wind Energy team is on their way to compete in Phase 2 of the U.S. Department of Energy’s 2023 Collegiate Wind Competition. The Iowa State student group was selected as one of the 13 teams to compete in designing and building a prototype wind turbine, designing an offshore wind farm and presenting about wind energy careers and outreach.
The Foundational Agrivoltaic Research for Megawatt Scale (FARMS) funding program examines how agrivoltaics can provide new economic opportunities to farmers, rural communities, and the solar industry.
The Agriculture and Solar Together: Research Opportunities (ASTRO) advisory group members come from across the United States and represent leading solar industry partners, state agencies, and other organizations focused on research, food and agricultural, and the environment.
A team of Cyclone Engineers hope to advance the fundamental understanding and capabilities of lithium-based batteries for Naval applications with the help of a new grant from the Office of Naval Research.
When the power grid goes down, there’s a step-by-step recovery process – a “blackstart” that up to now has depended on power from gas or hydro turbines spinning away inside a power plant.
Zhaoyu Wang, a former Harpole-Pentair Assistant Professor and currently the Northrop Grumman Associate Professor in electrical and computer engineering, knows America’s aging power grids are not prepared for the peril posed by climate change and cyberattacks. It’s one of America’s most pressing energy and infrastructure issues, for which Wang is seeking solutions through Department of Energy-funded research on microgrids.
A “macrogrid” that increases the electricity moving between America’s Eastern and Western interconnections, two of the biggest power grids on the planet, would more than pay for itself, according to research papers published this summer and fall by the Interconnections Seam Study. An Iowa State research team developed computer models for the study.
Cybersecurity experts from Iowa State University and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign are working to build a coalition that will train and educate a workforce capable of defending critical infrastructure, including energy providers, from computer attacks. A two-year, $2 million grant from the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity, a part of the National Security Agency, will support the project.
Microgrids and Energy Storage for Emergency Grid Resilience Webinar Series, presented by the U.S. DOE Office of Electricity Energy Storage Program, Iowa State University Electric Power Research Center, and Sandia National Laboratories