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Morgan Nordyke: Outstanding senior in agricultural engineering

Author: Elizabeth Andrews


Lineville, Iowa

Clubs and activities

Throughout college, I have been involved in the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) and Salt Company through Cornerstone Church. I was also asked to be a student member of the Engineering Curriculum Committee and worked as a Teacher’s Assistant and Grader for Mr. Travis Hosteng’s CE 274 class. 

Valuable hands-on learning in class 

Dr. Ben Smith’s TSM 327- Livestock and Poultry Production: Facilities, Technology, and Management was an incredibly valuable class for me. As someone pursuing a career in livestock facility design, this class encompassed every component needed to provide all the information that I would need to utilize during my final Capstone Design Project and in future industry jobs. 

Out-of-the-classroom engineering experience 

While in college, I was able to participate in three different agricultural engineering internships. They included: a Field Technician internship at my local NRCS office, an Agricultural Engineering internship with Maurer-Stutz, and a Project Engineer internship with Henning Companies. Each one of these internships taught me real-world engineering, management, and hands-on skills that I will carry with me throughout my career. Being a member of the ASABE club has also been especially valuable in helping me improve my leadership abilities and create relationships with others in the agricultural engineering career path. 

Most influential mentor 

While many faculty members in the ABE department come to mind when answering this question, one person quickly rises to the top: Tim Shepherd. Shepherd is the type of person who genuinely cares about getting to know his students and helping them succeed. He always stops by the Sukup Atrium to talk and enthusiastically helps students with their questions. I have found myself hiking to his 4th-floor office countless times throughout the past four years to ask questions regarding his class, other classes, and even internships/full-time positions! He has given me advice and encouragement when I need it. Not only has Shepherd greatly impacted my life while at Iowa State, but many other students as well! I have experienced upperclassmen, current students, and even future students sharing about Shepherd’s care and support on many occasions. He has been my most influential mentor at Iowa State.

Best memory

My time at Iowa State has been full of great memories with great people. I will never forget all the trips I went on with the ASABE club. However, my best memories at Iowa State were the end-of-semester outings with Grace, Erin, Michaela, David, and Cole. Whether that would be the ice cream trips or laser tag competitions, I could always count on celebrating the end of finals with a great group of friends. 

Plans after graduation 

After graduation, I will start as a Field Engineer with Henning Companies out of Johnston, Iowa, on their Michael Foods Project.  

Making my mark on the world 

I came to Iowa State to study Agricultural Engineering to make a difference in rural communities by helping farmers receive funding and expand their operations. As I graduate, I am still striving to help those that help feed the world! 

Engineering like a Cyclone Engineer 

When I decided to study engineering, Iowa State was the only college I considered due to its renowned program. I have not been disappointed! The College of Engineering, especially the ABE Department, fosters an environment that prepares students for success. I have always felt comfortable asking professors for help and answers to any questions I had.  

The ABE Department is comprised of amazing people who have made Sukup and Elings Hall feel like home. The combination of faculty, staff, and other peers creates an environment that welcomes new students with open arms and finds a spot for them where they can thrive. I am proud to be graduating from the ABE Department. I know that the education and experience I have received from Iowa State’s College of Engineering has set me up for success in any endeavor that I pursue, which is why I am proud to be a Cyclone Engineer!