David H. Sanders, CCEE’s Greenwood Department Chair and Professor at Iowa State, has been named a Henry L. Kennedy Award recipient.
David H. Sanders, CCEE’s Greenwood Department Chair and Professor at Iowa State, has been named a Henry L. Kennedy Award recipient.
Students from Iowa State University and around the nation are settling in for a summer of hands-on research work with ISU’s Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) with the BioMaP Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates.
Andy Hammer, senior in aerospace engineering, reached out right away in their first year to Kristin-Yvonne Rozier, Building a World of Difference Faculty Fellow and associate professor in aerospace engineering, about getting hands-on reseasrch experience in with Rozier’s lab. Three years later and not only is Hammer an experienced undergraduate research student in Rozier’s lab, now they are working on an independent project with Rozier’s mentorship – setting Hammer on the path to an exciting future career in aerospace engineering research.
A cohort of 11 chemical engineering students have embarked on the study abroad summer lab program that many point to as the highlight of their undergraduate experience in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) at Iowa State University. Accompanied by CBE faculty member, teaching professor Stephanie Loveland, the group is now in Oviedo, Spain participating in the chemical engineering summer lab experience, which is conducted in collaboration with faculty and facilities at the University of Oviedo.
Now, Koziel is moving on to the next adventure – retiring from ABE, and beginning his journey as a Research Leader of the Livestock Nutrient Management Research unit for the United States Department of Agriculture in the USDA-ARS Conservation & Production Research Lab.
Michelle Soupir, professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering, leads a $1 million project to create a predictive model of antimicrobial resistance sources and transport through agricultural environments – and to assess which ag management practices will most effectively reduce AMR health risks.
A team of Cyclone Engineers hope to advance the fundamental understanding and capabilities of lithium-based batteries for Naval applications with the help of a new grant from the Office of Naval Research.
When the power grid goes down, there’s a step-by-step recovery process – a “blackstart” that up to now has depended on power from gas or hydro turbines spinning away inside a power plant.