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ABE Welcomes New Faculty Member: Bailey Adams

Author: Sarah Hays

This summer, the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at Iowa State University is welcoming a new faculty member and soon-to-be alum to the department: Bailey Adams.

Graduating this semester with a doctorate degree from ABE, Adams will begin his position as assistant professor shortly after graduation.

headshot of bailey adams
Bailey Adams (Christopher Gannon/Iowa State University)

Adams has dedicated a large amount of his time as a student to research, education and bettering the department. From the start of his undergraduate career to now, Adams has focused on fulfilling the Iowa State University land grant mantra: teaching, research and service.

Engaged in many industry-sponsored projects within agricultural technology, Adams has a mix of both industry and academic experience. And as a part of multiple leadership roles both at Iowa State and professional societies outside of the university, he has focused on leadership and effective communication, working to build his communication skills as a leader.

Through Adams’ academic path and industry involvement, he has gained a multitude of teaching experience, serving as an instructor-of-record for four classes, where his role was ‘centralized around creating a diverse, inclusive environment for students of all backgrounds where they learn the technical skill sets needed to be impactful in their careers,’ he said.

With a rare combination of research specializations – dynamic systems modeling and model-based software development – Adams has been working to improve the efficiency of engineering designs, saving users time and money on product development processes – and plans to continue this research in his faculty position.

To Adams, seeing ABE excel in community, research and facilities has interested him in a future here for a long time – from being accepted for his undergraduate career many years ago, to being hired as an assistant professor now.

“There is a very unique, high quality culture within ABE that makes it attractive to work in such a positive environment where people are always willing to lend a hand and ensure that the student experience is maximized,” Adams said.

Adams officially begins his position as an assistant professor in ABE on July 1st, 2022. In this position, he will continue his industry-sponsored research endeavors and his role in teaching courses.