College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

CoE receives grants to maintain infrastructure, create new programs

The College of Engineering will receive central funding from Iowa State University to enhance its programs and improve student learning opportunities.

The projects, funded by the University’s Institutional Excellence Fund – with matching funds from the College of Engineering – are meant to encourage college-level investments in programs and infrastructure.

Overall, the program funded about 20 new initiatives, representing $4.7 million of increased funding from State appropriations.

“It’s important, as we continue to grow, that we focus on infrastructure, create new capabilities and programs, and increase learning opportunities for students,” said Dean Jonathan Wickert. “These initiatives move the College forward in all three areas.”

The College of Engineering will receive funding, or is participating in, the following initiatives that will improve the learning environment of ISU students:

  • Creating three interactive classrooms in the basement of Howe Hall (to be completed during summer 2012)
  • Updating technology in general university classrooms
  • Funding a deferred maintenance request to replace plumbing valves in Sweeney Hall
  • Enhancing manufacturing labs for ME and IMSE students in Black Engineering Building through the purchase of hardness testers, an ultrasonic welder, and a compression/tensile tester
  • Creating an integrated initiative to solve complex health problems, using innovative technologies that intersect with engineering, biological sciences, human and social sciences, agricultural sciences and physical sciences
  • Creating an information systems security laboratory
  • Expanding computing and storage infrastructure

For more information about these projects, contact Ellen Reints.
