College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

IMSE Graduate Student Recipient of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Award

The 2010 Industrial Ergonomics Technical Group (IETG) 2010 Student Paper Award winners have  been announced by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.  One of the two winners is Xiaopeng Ning a PhD student in the IMSE Department.  The name of  his paper is, “The effect of sinusoidal rolling ground motion on lifting biomechanics”.   Each student will receive a certificate and a $500 prize from the ergonomics society. The students were judged on the basis of the paper and their presentation. Papers were scored on Originality (15 pts), Soundness (15 pts), Difficulty (10 pts), Clarity (10 pts), Significance (25 pts) and Relevance (25 pts). Presentations were scored on Delivery (15 pts), Organization (15 pts), Visual Aids (10 pts), Response to Questions (15 pts), and Adherence to Time Limits (10 pts).

